Be the Change!
According to me the only thing constant and the most beautiful part of our life is change. If we surrender to the unfolding of our life their is nothing more magical than change. It’s change that brings in New beginnings in life; yes off course it also brings painful endings with it. But it’s change that has the potential in it to create new. Change is the source of creation.
An ending being painful is coloured by our perceptions. We all perceive endings as a threat to our identity. We all are conditioned to perceive endings with fear because in a way we all wish to bypass the feeling of pain caused by the ending. The ending of a relationship, friendship, job and also ending of trauma. But we forget that every ending is birthing of a New beginning in our life. Unless we face the ending and surrender to change New beginning doesn’t have room in our life. Even nature goes through change every single moment; but it doesn’t create a fuss of it, rather it accepts it as a part of it’s being a part of it that shows it’s alive.
It’s time for all of us to let go of this control and acknowledge the change that is knocking at our door. We all need change; change in our perception to see the beauty of life. We all need to allow life to unfold itself naturally in front of us. We all need to invite change in our life. Let the storm come and clean our life removing all the unwanted and toxic thinking patterns, maybe toxic relationships, toxic habits, which we have blended so well in our identity that it has started to define us. We don’t even realise when we stop healing from our trauma and start to identify ourselves with our trauma.
It’s time we let the old skin and the old me die and allow the new skin and the new me to bloom. Let’s choose to welcome change rather than resisting it. Let’s stop making resolutions for every year which we hardly follow; instead let’s intend to allow the change that’s meant for our growth and just surrender to the change when it arrives. Let life surprise us with new things. Let life flow like a river and allow ourselves to flow with it.
It’s time to shake ourselves and wake up. We all need a storm and the sunshine to create a beautiful rainbow of our life. Allow the storm so when your true essence shines in the storm you’ll get your perfect rainbow. Let’s celebrate change.
Love and Light to all.
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