Life Purpose.

    Since past few months, or so I wonder what could be my life purpose to be here on this beautiful planet? This question made me think beyond my assumed role as an individual in this word. I realized most of us develop our sense of role as an individual based on societal conditioning and some fixed belief systems. We develop our perceptions based on these belief systems. Some of which are helpful, while other tend to block our growth as an individual. As we grow these systems starts to give us comfort and we stop thinking beyond these belief systems. We stop taking risk and start becoming more and more stuck in our mundane routine, which feels comfortable to us; getting up at a particular time, going to work, earning a certain amount of money at the end of the month, getting married at a particular age, buying a house etc. But we don't realize when we actually stopped surprising ourselves, living in those precious moments, breathing in some life in our lungs. We start to compromise on our dreams and start talking a passive role about our own life, because of fear of losing our comfort. Fear keeps us from breaking our patterns. This fear of change keeps us from growing in our life; without even realizing we start accepting a passive and Okay life. We stop asking questions. Deep down we all know that this Okay life doesn't excite us anymore.
    We all need to ask ourselves was I really born to do the routine that we so willingly live everyday? or does life wants something more from me? Maybe we all need to shift our focus from what I want form my life to what my life wants from me? Deep down in our heart we all know what is our purpose, but our ego stops us from listening to the whisper of our heart. Life purpose is more wholistic, it is more inclusive than just confined to us as an individual. Some time back a came across a video which mentioned of three questions we could ask to get a better glimpse of our life purpose they were firstly What will I do if I knew I will never fail? second What will I do if I knew I just had 6 months of life? and last What will I do if I knew I had 100 million dollars in my bank account? These questions made me rethink on my life choices and help me listen to the soft whisper of my heart. Maybe we all just need to extend our hands to our life by listening to our heart and choose to follow it.
    Let's choose to make a difference by our existence in this world. We all as an individual have unique talents which are required to make this world a much better place to live. Let's choose life over any other thing in our life.

Love and Light to all.


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